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Writer's pictureSukrit Gupta

Bollywood has been teaching you Trekking 101s like forever

These days wanderlust haunts all of us, whether it is an overnight outing or a multi-day trek in the Himalayas, we all love to go outside and experience life in its rawest form. However, if you’re not prepared during these excursions simple occurrences like rainfall can completely ruin your experience. So here’s a list of ten common trekking tragedies and how you can avoid them using the knowledge that has been ingrained in us by watching Bollywood Films. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]1-Are those UVA sunglasses

Glasses like these will certainly be useful but if they are not 100% U.V protected, chances are you won’t be able to see all the pretty sceneries, plus your eyes will be affected! Whenever you are going for a high-altitude trek remember fresh snow reflects about 80% of the UV radiation compared to other natural sources, exposure to these rays can cause temporary snow blindness and severe pain.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]2-Seriously! Don’t take more than two pairs of clothes.

There’s a reason why Mountaineers prefer to stay dirty. Don’t stuff your backpacks with items you would sparingly use. If you’re planning to trek in the mighty Himalayas then you’ll encounter plenty uphill sections. One way to help yourself in times like these is by layering smarter. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]3-Use your “Head-Lamp”

Using a headlamp helps because it keeps your hands free to do other jobs. Trust us, on multiple occasions, you’ll have to step outside your cozy sleeping bags. You don’t want your hands to freeze just because you have to hold a flashlight. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]4- Quick Dry was invented for a reason

Chances are you won’t camp in the same place for more than two days. So carry a quick-dry Towel and save yourself from the drudgery of using a smelly wet towel for days on end. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]5-Maximize your Packing efficiencies

You can reduce 50% shoulder stress caused by a heavy backpack, by packing your things with a method. By strategically packing your bags, you make sure none of your body parts is unduly stressed, this will help you on your long days outside and your shoulders won’t feel sore after the trek is done. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]6-Pitch your tent entrance facing in the direction of the wind

If you are not Ajay Devgan then chances are you’ll be camping someplace other than a crevasse. In that case, you would want your tent to face in the direction of the wind since it discourages mosquitoes from congregating at your door.

But in high altitudes wind is a bigger problem than insects. So make sure the door is in the opposite direction of the wind, to prevent cold air from directly filling into the tent. Also, minimize the chance of winding tearing off the shelter. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]7-The Devil wears cotton.

Beautiful fabrics look good but they don’t last on a tough trek. Though cotton looks good and feels good it retains water in damp surroundings. It also has a long drying time, and is also bad at regulating body temperature. So if there is one item that you need to cross off your clothing list, its cotton. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]8-Do you have any extra polybags?

Don’t get stuck in the myth that if you’re going for a trek in the post-monsoon season it won’t rain. Chances are it will, and you don’t want your belongings to get drenched. Carry extra plastic bags, in case it rains.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]9-What do you know about Insulation?

Remember your High-Pitched school Physics teacher. Turns out she was right about Insulation. Heat transfer via conduction, convection and radiation is a tried and tested way to stay warm in freezing conditions. Mastering the art of insulation is a life-long odyssey, the least you can do is start learning the basics. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]10-There’s a difference between “water-resistant” and “waterproof”

You do get the point. When you see that a jacket is “water resistant,” it rarely means that it’s “waterproof”. Waterproof apparel features waterproof technology that water-resistant apparel does not.

Do you have any interesting Bollywood trekking gyan to share? Post in the comment section below.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator border_width=”2″][vc_column_text]

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